Sunday, March 29, 2009

Time to get down to business

I called my dress shop today to confirm the delivery date of my dress...May 27th. Ahh...that means I have just about 2 months to really get my butt in gear and start working out! After hearing so many people rave about Jillian Michaels' 30-Day Shred, I was curious so I did some research online. I found that it was on sale on Amazon for half price...

Still a bit skeptical...I decided to double check with some knotties to give me some encouragement. All rave reviews sooo...I bought 30-day Shred AND Biggest Loser's Cardio Max DVDs.

I absolutely HATE (I mean loathe!!) running and we don't belong to a gym because of the price tag so I figure $20 is well spent right?? And I can do them in the comfort of my own home without having to figure out when to go to the gym or rush home so that I can get outside before it gets dark.

I must say that Mr. G was quite excited about this and promptly took me to Sports Authority to buy me some free weights. He wanted to give me all this other stuff too, but I insisted that Jillian says I don't need all that! Just the free weights babe!

We'll see how it goes...

(Almost down to 120 days! Eeeek!)


The Southbay Newlyweds said...

good luck girl! i use some of Jillian's drink to reduce water weight... i think she is good!!!

Crystal Rae said...

Good luck... I think you can do it!

Anonymous said...

I did the shred and although it certainly is helping with toning, to loose weight you need at least 45 minutes of cardio a day. Good luck though girl!