Saturday, April 11, 2009

Moving along

Mr. G and I have been on vacation all week so we have been taking care of little things. We went to Macys and Crate and Barrel to finalize our registries and make sure we had everything on there that we wanted. Something about registries still feels so greedy to me...but I'm excited to start receiving presents...I won't lie about that!

Yesterday we went over to our wedding site and met with all of our parents, the home-owners, and our awesome DJ and caterer. They were so impressed with the site and we got the layout planned out and the details of where everything will be, how the lighting will be and how everything will go on the night of our wedding. I was very exciting leaving and knowing that my vendors were happy and they were genuinely excited about our big day.

I have been eyeing a few things on for awhile and think I will purchase them soon. One being a clutch for my on the big day and another being something cute for my girls...I can't resist another gift! Seriously girls...I wish I could show you the bag of loot you're getting! I can't wait!

I think that's all for now...I'll hopefully have an update on my first shower here shortly and even dress should be here in a month! :)